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Meet Jasmina Kovacev
Jasmina Kovačev is a
- Accredited certified International EFT Master Trainer and advanced practitioner
- Master Trainer and practitioner of META-Health
- Creator of the Round Rainbow Program
- Creator of “I Choose Living” retreat – providing emotional support for those affected by cancer
She is a specialist when it comes to transcending limits and expanding your boundaries.
Her life and professional path wasn’t easy. The circumstances led her to devote her life to personal development and education, and through working on herself she has discovered her passion and mission – to use her knowledge and potential to help other people.
In her work, she mostly uses the EFT technique that she learned directly from its creator Gary Craig. After discovering its benefits on herself, she realized that it was her job to introduce as many people as possible with this seemingly simple, yet very powerful, life-changing technique. Some of her main strengths are her versatility and hunger for knowledge. Beside her University education, she has been taught in more than 50 techniques and modalities (from herbal medicine and iridology to energy psychology and META-Health, including numerous business educations with world-renowned entrepreneurs).
During two decades of her work in this field, more than 3.000 students have gone through her programs, and she has done individual treatments with over 5.000 clients.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Master the basics of a very powerful EFT technique
EFT is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture and modern Einstein theory. It involves a simple tapping procedure without the discomfort of needles.
Three main areas of EFT application:
- Eliminating any emotional intensity and neutralizing traumas from the past
- Eliminating beliefs that aren’t serving us
- Improving health by removing stress, emotional contributors and limiting beliefs related
Discover why we are sick and why in the moment you are.
META-Health is a scientific approach of the connection between mind and body, environment influence and self-healing.
For the first time, you will have the opportunity to hear an education that will change your perspective on yourself and on your health, as well as remove many of the concerns that you had.
Transformation Workshops
Work on blocks and gaining insight.
Whether you have issues with emotions, confidence, relationships, pain, money, job, uncertain future, you can pick one of our Transformation Workshops and address a particular theme, issue or a challenge you face.
Online EFT Group tapping
Online EFT Group session gives you the opportunity to sit in the comfort of your home and through the group work, devotedly and effectively work on freeing your emotional and mental baggage.
This session is an ideal opportunity for anyone who wants to feel the benefits of group work and to release some of their emotional and mental weight. Attending an online EFT Group session does not require prior knowledge of EFT.

Individual sessions
If you have an acute discomfort or blocks that stops you from living life to the fullest, working one-on-one with Jasmina will not only help you find out where you are “stuck”, but in the short term you will experience the effects of work, sometimes even after the first session you can feel the difference. In her sessions, Jasmina combines all the knowledge that she gained in the field of Energy Psychology and personal growth, and with the help of powerful EFT technique she helps you to raise awareness and release blocks at the level of their occurrence.
Sessions can also be done via Skype, so location can’t be an excuse to work on yourself.
Success Stories

You might want to know?
In 2021 EFT Results Accelerator was born. It is a result of 20 years of experience working full time with clients using EFT as a main modality. Surely there were times when it was difficult to find contributors to someone’s complex issue, but those are the moments when new solutions came to the surface. Over the years new EFT methodologies were developed and now you can shortcut your learning journey and take your EFT skills to a totally new level. EFT-RA requires prior EFT training level 1 and 2. It is also very beneficial to level 3 EFT practitioners too.
“I highly recommend this class if you want to raise your skill set to be able to help even the most complex and difficult situations a client can present with.”
– Annie Gedye
“The course will give you a very coherent, structured approach to EFT and how to apply them to the new exciting processes you will learn.”
– Sue Woodriffe
Express your interest to get the info as soon as the new enrollment opens by filling in the form.
The famous scholar Ibn Sina, over 1000 years ago, conducted a medical experiment. He put two identical lambs in two separate cages, and he placed a wolf in one of the side cages. The wolf could only be seen by ONE of the lambs and the other was placed out of sight.
Months later, the lamb who could see the wolf died out of sheer stress and fear, even though the wolf did not physically go near or even threaten the lamb. The other lamb that had not seen the wolf lived healthily and in good spirits.
This experiment showed the power and effects of mental influence on our health and body. Fear, anxiety, stress and negativity does nothing but harm — even if we don’t realise the damage it is doing to us internally.
Filter out negativity in the media. It’s killing you from within.
Want to attend a group transformational session and resolve your burning fears?
Sessions are run by experienced EFT Master Trainer.
Register your interest here

Have you heard this story?
The Plague was on its way to Damascus and overtook the caravan in the desert.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” The caravan leader asked
“In Damascus, I intend to take 1.000 lives,” the Plague replied.
On the way back from Damascus, the Plague passed the caravan again.
The caravan leader told her, “You took 50.000 lives, not a thousand.”
“No,” Plague replied, “I took 1.000, others took Fear.”
Sounds familiar? Luckily – we have EFT to resolve our fears.
Want to learn how to use EFT for yourself? or
Want to become an EFT practitioner?
Starting point is EFT level one.
Register your interest here
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